The German shepherd dog (Alsatian) is a herding dog. The first German shepherd dog was registered in 1899. The German shepherd was bred for herding of sheep. They are most suited to active working environments, they can be found doing police work, therapy, guarding, rescue and search, military and as guide dogs. The German shepherd is also known as Alsatian and its official name is German Shepherd Dog. After the first war the name was changed. It is commonly misspelled as German Shepard. This Dog Breed Mostly Used for protection.
They are a straight and brave breed, Bold, well-trained and joyful, also known for their great loyalty and bravery. The German shepherd often used as working dogs. They have a great learning talent. German Shepherds love to be near to their families, but can be wary of unfamiliar person. This breed needs his family and should not be left lonely for long periods of time. They only cry when they feel it is necessary. They need someplace to channel their mental and physical energy. This is not a breed that will be happy simply placing around your living room or locked out in the courtyard. The breed is so clever and learns so readily that it has been used as a sheepdog, protector dog, in police work, as a help for the blind, in search and rescue service, and in the military.
Life span:
10-12 years.
Males60-64cm (20-24in.)
Females 55-60cm (22-24in)
77-85 pounds (35-40kg.)